Watch La Tribu

La Tribu

Synopsis : La Tribu
At the head of a blended family, Camille and Martin, a couple in their forties in love, have barely moved in together when their life is already far from being a long, quiet river! Between their respective children, sister, parents, but also their ex(es), this family makes up a real “tribe” with an inevitably unstable balance! Camille, 42, responsible for the green spaces of their small town, is an idealistic fighter who sometimes prefers to embellish the truth to believe in her lucky star. His companion, Martin, 46, an organized and far-sighted French teacher, is always worried about what happens. Will their love resist Franck's anger, Alexandra's causticity and the demands of the children who manipulate them as they please? A hectic daily life where contradictions reign supreme!




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